News For Shropshire

D of E Awards

Senior Section members presented with D of E Awards in the county.

Girlguiding Ellesmere D of E Group: Following on from a very successful 2016 expedition season our young women are now completing their awards.

On 10th November, awards were presented to:

Silver: Jay Morrison-Little, Emily Hilton, Lucie Hine, also completed are Anna Davies and Olivia Faux-Grace who were not able to attend.

Bronze: Rhiannon Jones

D of E Diamond Challenge: Fran Butler

10yrs volunteering in Girlguiding: Mike Ford (who took the picture)

It is worth saying that this is a very mixed bunch geographically: Rhiannon is also in Baschurch Rangers, Emily, Whitchurch Rangers, Lucie was in Malpas Guides & Explorer Scouts; Anna & Olivia came to us from St Martin’s Guides and Jay had never been in Guiding before joining our D of E Group.