Shropshire Way – Presentation
We enjoyed a lovely walk along part of the Shropshire Way in Shrewsbury with trustees of the Shropshire Way Association(SWA) in February 2023 to celebrate our completion of the 200-mile Shropshire Way Challenge as a County. Jo Revell (county walking adviser) was presented with a framed certificate for Shropshire Girl Guiding and an A2 map […]
We enjoyed a lovely walk along part of the Shropshire Way in Shrewsbury with trustees of the Shropshire Way Association(SWA) in February 2023 to celebrate our completion of the 200-mile Shropshire Way Challenge as a County.
Jo Revell (county walking adviser) was presented with a framed certificate for Shropshire Girl Guiding and an A2 map poster of the route by Audrey Menhinick, Chair of SWA. We presented the four Shropshire Way trustees who attended the walk with a Shropshire Way badge each.
Shropshire Guiding recorded 112 different walks, and covered 513 miles or 2257 Guiding miles (i.e. the total mileage done collectively by all participants). We started the Challenge in February 2020 but this was extended from one year to three due to the pandemic. Overall, more than 116 members (10 from outside the County) have taken part, including 22 Brownie Guides, 29 Ranger Guides and 65 adult leaders.
There are still a few Shropshire Way badges available from Marion Wynn if you haven’t claimed yours yet.
The walking has been so enjoyable that a core group of volunteers are walking about twice per month, calling themselves the Shamblers. Any member of Girlguiding Shropshire is welcome to join any of the walks – contact Jo Revell for details or 07834673204.
The next walking challenge is circular walks of any length to appeal to the variety of ages and abilities. This challenge is part of the Shropshire Circles Challenge. If you need help to work out a route for your unit just contact Jo Revell for help.