Rainbows Meet Air Ambulance

Posted by Martin Wynn

This evening 17th Shrewsbury Rainbows were on a trip to the Quarry in Shrewsbury when an Air Ambulance landed. As we were walking to the park the doctors invited us over for a photo. They explained they had been called for an emergency however they had been stood down last minute and were taking it as an opportunity for the public to see the air ambulance, ask questions as to what they do and take photos.

The Rainbows were trilled to see a “Really huge helicopter” and asked lots of questions.

A huge thank you to James for inviting us over and being so amazing with the girls.

Rainbows Have Fun

Posted by Martin Wynn

16th & 17th Shrewsbury Rainbows went to Park Hall Countryside Experience and what a wonderful day they had. They met the Rabbits & Guinea pigs, they brushed the ponies, they met some goats & sheep and they even watched the pigs have a race. The girls also got to enjoy the drop slide, bouncy castle, music room, soft play as well as a huge adventure playground, not forgetting a tractor ride and a barrel ride.

Longford Campfire

Posted by Martin Wynn

Girlguiding Longford district had a bonfire at Neville’s Field in Edgmond, with campfire singing led by the Trefoil Guild – around 75 girls spending time together in the great outdoors!

17th Shrewsbury Rainbows

Posted by Martin Wynn

Cuan Wildlife came to visit 17th Shrewsbury Rainbows as they raised £143.24 for them as part of their make a change badge. They brought a rescued hedgehog for the girls to meet. Cuan Wildlife also visited 16th Shrewsbury Brownies.

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

Posted by Martin Wynn

Nearly 700 Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Rangers, Young Leaders and Volunteers from Girlguiding Shropshire celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee at Blists Hill Victorian Town on Saturday 4th June. Everyone was given a goody bag and a commemorative badge. They all had great fun exploring the various shops, displays and trying out the old fairground rides.

Attingham Park

Posted by Martin Wynn

Over the weekend 25-26 Sept Girlguiding Shropshire held an event at Attingham Park, Shropshire for all members from the county.

There were 4 zones “Be Creative” “All About Guiding” “Fun and Games” “Adventures Outdoors” for the girls to take part in. The National Trust staff at Attingham Park gave excellent support and the trust members and visitors on the 2 days enjoyed watching the fun and friendship in the fine weather.

Shropshire Cares, Shropshire Shares Badges

Posted by Amanda Taylor

Shropshire Cares – Shropshire Shares

This social action badge is in two sections, Shropshire cares is about being active in the community, maybe carol singing at an old peoples home or planting trees along the canal. Shropshire shares involves collecting and giving, this maybe toiletries for the Red Box Project, food for the foodbank or animal food for the cats and dogs home. Make your challenges as quirky as you want and don’t forget to share them on social media. These will allow units to take social action at all levels. Shropshire cares is about being active in the community and Shropshire shares allows you to collect and donate for a worthwhile cause – all of your girls choosing! Enjoy!!

The badges are in stock and available from the badge secretary.

Whitchurch District Christmas Entertainment

Posted by Amanda Taylor

2nd Whitchurch Rainbows, 6th Whitchurch Brownies and 1st Whitchurch Guides went to Greenfields Care home in Whitchurch to brighten up the residents Christmas with an evening of Christmas entertainment.  The girls sang carols, read Christmas poems, played musical instruments and told Christmas jokes.  The residents enjoyed the Rainbows, Brownies and Guides entertainment and joined in with the Christmas singing.


On their last meeting before Christmas 6th Whitchurch Brownies made Christmas hampers and delivered to elderly residents of the towns Almes houses to say Merry Christmas.  Following delivering the hampers the Brownies enjoyed drinking hot chocolate and decorating gingerbread reindeer.



Greenfields 2 Brownies delivering hampers Brownies christmas


Breakfast with Santa

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More than 60 Rainbows from across Telford South Division attended a special Breakfast with Santa event at the Park House Hotel on 2nd December. The girls were invited to have breakfast with their very special guest and were also given the chance to meet Santa as well as taking part in a sing-along. A great time was had by all and special thanks to the staff at the hotel who were happy to get into the spirit of things too by dressing up for the event.

Shropshire Celebrates

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On Saturday, 1400 members of Girlguiding Shropshire celebrated 100 years of guiding in Shropshire with a carnival fair themed event at Shrewsbury College. Rainbows and Brownies from across the county spent the day at Shrewsbury College taking part in activities such as bhangra dancing, circus skills workshops and a silent disco, as well as adding to a tile mosaic which will be displayed at the Jackfield Tile Museum to mark our centenary. The girls then made hats and shakers and took part in the carnival parade along with guides and senior section members.