Shamblers on Tour
The Shamblers, the informal Shropshire Guiding walking group, recently went on tour to Glenbrook which is the Guide house in the Peak District. Over the three days 10 of us tackled three different walks. A hot and sunny climb up and over Mam Tor, a day walking in the clouds climbing up from the Derwent […]
The Shamblers, the informal Shropshire Guiding walking group, recently went on tour to Glenbrook which is the Guide house in the Peak District. Over the three days 10 of us tackled three different walks. A hot and sunny climb up and over Mam Tor, a day walking in the clouds climbing up from the Derwent reservoir (of dam busters fame) to Back Tor and Lost Lad and a third walk along Stannage Edge. An 85 year old Guiding friend joined us on one of the walks and we all hope we’ll be as spry at that age! The walks are open to any Shrosphire volunteer who fancies a bit of exercise, fresh air and friendship.The walks usually take place within the County about twice per month. For more information contact Jo Revell Walking Adviser: or 07834673204