Level 2 Walking training and assessment  plus social walking 4th -6th April 2025

Midlands Region are providing a course to develop your skills so that you can lead fun walking activities in open areas which will build girls and young women’s confidence.  It’s open to all Girlguiding members aged 18 and over, who have the relevant walking experience.  If you have previously attended a training course, maybe now’s the time to come for assessment?

Social walkers are welcome too –  come and enjoy walking with other Girlguiding and Trefoil members in the beautiful Peak District.  Social walking is  informal,  advice can be provided on suitable routes to help you decide where and how far to go.  A number of Shropshire leaders from the Shamblers group will be there so there may be options to share transport from the county too.

When: 4 -6 April 2025

Where: Whiteley Woods Outdoor Activity centre

Cost: £110 for training or assessment course, £80 for social walking

Closing Date: Friday 14 March or sooner if places are filled

See link below for more details and booking form


Jo Revell, Walking Adviser,  jorevell1@icloud.com, 07834 673204

TAG: Adults, Events, Training


Introducing ‘Sparkle’ a Girlguiding Shropshire camp just for Brownies!

TAG: Brownies, Events

Hadrian’s Wall Trek (Up Date!)

Hello everyone,

Please see the info below for save the date for the Hadrian’s wall trek event next year. There will be more information to follow soon. Link now available below.

Best wishes,


Sarah Trinder

Walking adviser, Girlguiding Midlands

Advance Notice for 24th May to 1st June 2025 Walk Hadrian's Wall

TAG: Events, Rangers

Introducing the Shamblers!

Following on from the success of the Shropshire Way Challenge a group of five Shropshire Guiding Volunteers have decided to carry on walking and have adopted the name “Shamblers” (Shropshire Guiding Ramblers!). We aim to walk twice a month, usually in Shropshire and hope to have a programme of circular walks over the coming year.  

Any member of Girlguiding Shropshire is welcome to join us on any of the walks. Dates (but not necessarily the routes) are planned at least a month in advance. Walks are often 9+km long starting at the agreed meeting point at 10a.m. and often adjourning to somewhere nearby for tea and cake at the end. We are an informal, flexible group so if you fancy some fresh air, exercise, lovely scenery and friendly company do join us.

The next walk dates are:

13th & 29th March, 16th & 29th April 2025.

Email Jo Revell Walking Adviser on jorevell1@icloud.com or text/phone 07834673204 if you’d like to come.

TAG: Adults, Events, Leaders