Tricky to Tackle – Girlguiding Shropshire County Day
Saturday 5th April
Venue: Christ Church, Glebe Road, Bayston Hill, Shrewsbury. SY3 0PZ
There will be 3 cross-sectional sessions in the morning including UMA’s games and crafts that can be tricky, or unsure how they work, or just too complicated to follow.
These sessions will help to make it all clearer giving you crafts and activities to take back while having fun and chatting with others.
There will also be sectional sessions in the afternoon about providing adventures with your unit, whether in or out. Then a sectional air and share.
There will also be a session for commissioners on LDP, book with Pat Whitfield
Also a finance one for anyone that needs some help or advice, book with Clare Wassall – .
There aren’t any specific sessions for young leaders but they are welcome to attend with the appropriate permission form from parents.
The venue is accessible for all, car parking just past the church and use the main door.
Please wear your uniform, bring lunch, drinks will be provided. The guide shop and badges will be available to purchase.