News For Shropshire

“Sunrise” leap day walk

Leap Day 2020 saw 19 early rising Shropshire Guiding members and two dogs climb the Wrekin in the dark. We renewed our promise at the top at dawn. No visible sunrise that day but it didn’t actually rain for the entirety of the walk which was a bonus this winter.As always it was cold at […]

Leap Day 2020 saw 19 early rising Shropshire Guiding members and two dogs climb the Wrekin in the dark. We renewed our promise at the top at dawn. No visible sunrise that day but it didn’t actually rain for the entirety of the walk which was a bonus this winter.As always it was cold at the top of the hill so the hot sausage sandwiches and drinks when we came down were most welcome.

As the route covers part of the Shropshire Way each participant will gain their Shropshire Way Challenge badge. Between us, we’ve already recorded 66 Guiding miles on the Shropshire Way. If you want to know more about the Challenge the information should be on the Shropshire Guiding website soon and there will be a drop-in session at County day.