Whitchurch District Christmas Entertainment
2nd Whitchurch Rainbows, 6th Whitchurch Brownies and 1st Whitchurch Guides went to Greenfields Care home in Whitchurch to brighten up the residents Christmas with an evening of Christmas entertainment. The girls sang carols, read Christmas poems, played musical instruments and told Christmas jokes. The residents enjoyed the Rainbows, Brownies and Guides entertainment and joined in […]
2nd Whitchurch Rainbows, 6th Whitchurch Brownies and 1st Whitchurch Guides went to Greenfields Care home in Whitchurch to brighten up the residents Christmas with an evening of Christmas entertainment. The girls sang carols, read Christmas poems, played musical instruments and told Christmas jokes. The residents enjoyed the Rainbows, Brownies and Guides entertainment and joined in with the Christmas singing.
On their last meeting before Christmas 6th Whitchurch Brownies made Christmas hampers and delivered to elderly residents of the towns Almes houses to say Merry Christmas. Following delivering the hampers the Brownies enjoyed drinking hot chocolate and decorating gingerbread reindeer.