Shropshire Way – Celebrations

Posted by Martin Wynn

8 members  of Shropshire Girlguiding and one guest walked from Kempton to Craven Arms on the 16th April. It was a beautiful day and a lovely route with fantastic views.  We celebrated with  cake en route (thanks Debbie) and with candles and more cake! on arrival at the Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre as Jeanette Price and Debbie Bray have now completed both the northern loop of the way (120 miles) and the southern loop (200 miles). Jo Revell has also completed the southern loop.

We’re not stopping at that though as we are enjoying the walking too much. As a County there are still some sections of the Church Stretton loop to complete for the record and several Guiders would like to catch up some missing sections for their personal record.

The next walks are planned for Saturday 23rd April, Monday 2nd May and Monday 23rd May. If anyone would like to join us please get in touch with Jo Revell Walking Adviser.

First Response and Safe Space Training

Posted by Martin Wynn

Girlguiding Midlands First Reponse and Safe Space level 3 virtual training can be booked here:

Places for both First Response and Safe Space are limited to only 20 per session.

Shropshire Way Challenge

Posted by Martin Wynn

We have now walked 680 Guiding Miles on The Shropshire Way.

Recent walks have been on Brown Clee where we did some geocaching with Martin and Jeanette Price was presented with her level 1 walking qualification. We’ve also been over the Stiperstones. North Shropshire are planning a walk near Grinshill on the 23rd October.

Who is your Girlguiding Shropshire superhero?

Posted by Amanda Taylor

Our Girlguiding Shropshire members are the best and we want to celebrate the great things they do! Every month in 2023 we will be celebrating your superheroes and saying thank you. All you need to do is let us know about your superhero and the special things they do. We need to know a few details so just use our form to give us your nominations and we will do the rest!

Not all super heros wear capes

Shropshire Way Challenge

Posted by Martin Wynn

The Shropshire Way Challenge is for members of Girl Guiding Shropshire, between us, to walk the entire 200 miles of the newly way marked Shropshire Way between Thinking Day 2020 and Thinking Day 2021. You can do as much or little as you like, every step counts, and all participants can gain a badge for taking part. Some sections are easy, even wheelchair accessible, and others are much more challenging. If you don’t feel confident about taking girls out walking, then experienced leaders will be available to help. The challenge will include an I spy activity and geocaching may also be available in some sections.

See the Leaders Resource Page or contact Jo Revell Walking Adviser 01952 882055 or 07834 673204.
To take a look at the route go to:

“Sunrise” leap day walk

Posted by Amanda Taylor
Leap Day 2020 saw 19 early rising Shropshire Guiding members and two dogs climb the Wrekin in the dark. We renewed our promise at the top at dawn. No visible sunrise that day but it didn’t actually rain for the entirety of the walk which was a bonus this winter.As always it was cold at the top of the hill so the hot sausage sandwiches and drinks when we came down were most welcome.

As the route covers part of the Shropshire Way each participant will gain their Shropshire Way Challenge badge. Between us, we’ve already recorded 66 Guiding miles on the Shropshire Way. If you want to know more about the Challenge the information should be on the Shropshire Guiding website soon and there will be a drop-in session at County day.

Safe Space Level 3 training

Posted by Amanda Taylor

We are pleased to offer an additional Safe Space Level 3 on Monday 24th February 2020 6.30-9.30pm at Girlguiding Shropshire County Headquarters.

For full details and to book please click the button below.

Shropshire Cares, Shropshire Shares Badges

Posted by Amanda Taylor

Shropshire Cares – Shropshire Shares

This social action badge is in two sections, Shropshire cares is about being active in the community, maybe carol singing at an old peoples home or planting trees along the canal. Shropshire shares involves collecting and giving, this maybe toiletries for the Red Box Project, food for the foodbank or animal food for the cats and dogs home. Make your challenges as quirky as you want and don’t forget to share them on social media. These will allow units to take social action at all levels. Shropshire cares is about being active in the community and Shropshire shares allows you to collect and donate for a worthwhile cause – all of your girls choosing! Enjoy!!

The badges are in stock and available from the badge secretary.

1st Whitchurch Guides

Posted by Amanda Taylor

Guides making paper snowflakes for their homes and also to decorate a local care home when we visit next week to sing carols





Shropshire North Division Thanks Event

Posted by

Shropshire North recently held an afternoon of thanks and were joined by Lindy Smith giving a demonstration and talk on the art of sugarcraft. It was a wonderful afternoon were the ladies were able to relax, chat and learn new skills..and of course eat cake! All our leaders are volunteers and we say a big thank you to them all.